Beautiful to Me. Page 8
“Have you broken down my poor girl friend long enough Mother?” I hear Dominic say from across the room, looking pretty hot in his dark jeans, and fitted black t-shirt. With his hands stuffed in his pockets. I keep my eyes fixated on his. I must of not heard that right. I mean yeah, I am a girl. I am probably a friend. Right a girl and a friend. Makes sense right, girlfriend. I watch Dominic stroll into the room and smile at me.
“Do you think you can share her with me Ma?” Dominic asks his mother, making me laugh out loud.
“Of course dear. Just don’t go far with her. You will stay tonight for dinner won’t you sweetie?” Mrs. C offers.
“I really need to get home. I appreciate the offer…”
“I will take that as a yes then. I am glad you agreed. Now, do I need to call your mother so she doesn’t worry?” Mrs. C interjects my thanks, but no thanks and says I am staying. She doesn’t take no very easily I see.
“No, I will call and leave her a message. Thank you Mrs. C.” I tell her as she kisses my temple and pats my knee before getting up.
“And you…” She starts in on Dominic. Dominic looks shocked to be called out on anything already.
“You better behave. If I find out you hurt my Ivy, I will take a wooden spoon to that ass of yours. Don’t think you are too old either.” She adds with a glare at him as she walks off, not leaving her visual on her son. Dominic stands in utter disbelief. Before looking back at me.
“Can you believe her? Her own flesh and blood, and now you’re “her Ivy.” I mean the nerve…” He says in a dramatic tone, loud enough to make sure his mother hears him.
“I heard that Dominic.” She yells back from the kitchen. And Dominic plops down next to me.
Throwing his head back against the couch with a exhausting loud sigh on purpose. “Isn’t she exhausting? I thought the busy body would never give you back for Pete’s sake!” He tells me as he looks over to me with his head still laying back on the couch.
Dominic reaches over, taking my hand in his, he gives my hand a gentle squeeze, silently asking me to look up at him. I take a deep breath and drag my head up and look up at him. We look at one another for a few minutes, without talking he can sense my hesitation. He studies my face as he runs his thumb across my thumb with our fingers intertwined together. Dominic looks down at our hands and slowly back up to my eyes.
“I don’t want us to be a secret Ivy.” Dominic tells me.
I don’t know what to say or do. I just feel like I am frozen. I just looked down at our hands and pull my hand away from his. Tucking both my hands between my thighs, and squeezing them shut against my hands.
“Why don’t you want people to see us together? Why don’t you want to see me? Do you not like me? Or not like, like me?” Dominic asks as he turns his body to face me, waiting for an answer.
I keep my head down, looking at my hands. “I do like you Dominic. But…” I stop trying to find the right words. I look back up to his face. “I’m not good for you though.” I tell him gently.
“What are you talking about?” He asks me looking more confused then ever.
“I will taint your reputation. I will do more harm than good. You are on the varsity football team. The quarter back for God’s sake. Everyone looks up to you. All the girls want you.” I tell him.
“Apparently not all the girls.” Dominic mumbles and I know he is referring to me.
“Yes, all the girls.” I confirm.
“But we don’t go in the same social circles. We wouldn’t work out.” I try convincing him. Secretly I want him to fight for us, if he really wants me, he will I tell myself. No sooner did I think that, Dominic must be able to read my mind. I squealed as I found myself hoisted up and plopped down on Dominic’s lap.
“Let’s let me worry about that crap. I could care less about the stupid “social circles” and you don’t come across as one who would either. So just cut the crap Ivy. I am not worried about my social status. Or the stupid cheer leaders, especially, your BFF, Lena.” He states, making me laugh loud.
“There she is. I like the happy Ivy. She has a beautiful smile you know.” Dominic says to me, as he pulls my hair off my neck, dragging it back behind my neck to fall down my back.
“Come on. Tell me you will be my girl friend. My own mother wants to adopt you for Christ sake. I need to make sure she realizes we are officially dating before she tries to make you my sister.” Dominic tells me with a wink, wrapping his hands around my waist, linking them together on my outside hip away from his body.
“I don’t know how to be a girlfriend.” I admit timidly.
“Ok, it’s probably easier than it looks. Now, personally, I have never been someone’s girl friend either, but I think you could catch on pretty quickly. I can teach you.” Dominic says smiling.
“Really, how can you teach me?” I say, laughing back at him, watching his smile, with his lips twitching.
“Well, let’s see, first you make out with your boyfriend a lot. Boyfriend meaning me. That is the first rule of thumb.”
“MmHmm.” I mutter.
“Second, you follow me around everywhere, hold my hand any time I want you to and should public display of affection. Better known as PDA.” He explains, squeezing me tighter.
“Anything else?”
“I know there will be other rules, but we can practice those for awhile. Don’t worry, I will make them up as we go along.” Dominic nudges me with his nose, making me feel all tingly inside.
“Are you sure you know what you are doing? I really am a flight risk you know.” I tell him.
“I’ll take my chances. I always love a challenge.” He whispers as he pulls me closer to his face.
“So what will it be?” Dominic whispers with only an inch of air between our lips.
I look up to Dominic’s eyes, “ok.” I whisper, making us both smile and Dominic leans in that final inch and kisses me, sealing the deal. I reach up, wrapping my arm over his shoulder and behind his neck as my fingers play with his hair on the back of his head as he continues bruising my lips with his eager attentiveness, causing me to let out a soft whimper in his mouth.
Chapter 8.
Our Beginning.
I will admit, the first couple weeks were a bit tense for Ivy and I. We muddled through it though. Lena nearly had a nervous breakdown. Her problem, not mine. As long as she doesn’t get in Ivy’s hair anymore, I could give two shits what she thinks. Tyler’s been cool. Supportive and all, thank God. The guys on the football team didn’t get it at first, now, they all love Ivy, and that really doesn’t sit well with Lena.
By the time the holidays were all over, and we were approaching Valentine’s Day, I wanted to do something special for Ivy. Ivy, bless her heart, has been coming in to the pizza place to fill in for me when I have practice. My parents adore her. My mother still wants to adopt her. I think she is already making her future grand babies quilts. I just don’t make any comments. That’s all she needs, more fuel for her fire.
Valentine’s Day turned out to be a huge hit, thankfully. First, I took Ivy ice skating. We had a really good time and lucky for me, no word from her mother on moving as of yet. There was a scare once, we were lucky it blew over. Thinking about it more now, I don’t think Ivy would really decide to leave with her again. Ivy’s personality flourished like a rose bud coming into bloom. She was beautiful. She dressed pretty girlie lately. She was adorable. She still blushes when I grab her in the school halls and make out with her. I think back to that first day, I swear the entire school went quiet watching us. I couldn’t help but laugh.
And now, we finally broke for spring break and Ivy and I get to really spend more time together.
I woke up our first day off, calling Ivy before I even got out of bed was my routine, I wasn’t about to stop it for our week off of school. The weather was unusually warm for this time of year, so Ivy and I planned on a picnic. I couldn’t wait. After calling her I jumped into the shower quic
kly got ready. My mom, always looking out for Ivy’s best interest, packed up a killed picnic basket for us. I find it funny my mother doesn’t say boo about me and safe sex, condoms and all the shit that she used to drill in me. I am sure she is secretly praying Ivy get’s pregnant, but we haven’t had sex yet. Today however, could be the day. FINALLY…
I drive over to Ivy’s and run up to her door to pick her up. My face always lights up when I see her. “Hey beautiful.” I say to her as she answers the door with a smile.
“You ready baby?” I ask her hoping to take off this minute. She nods, giggling and I pull her into me and start kissing her soft lips. I growl. “Ugh, let’s go you are making me horny already.” I pull her off the porch once she locks up her apartment, making her squeal and laugh when I swat her ass. I get her tucked into my car quickly and we dash off to a park a bit of a ways away. It’s really a forest preserve up north a bit. It has a nice mile long trail in the woods for bike rides and walker/joggers to go on the paved trail. The great part is a secret little clearing near a pond hidden in a mile down. I pull Ivy into the little secret hide away place we call our secret place, and I lay out the big blanket for us to lay down on. Ivy’s wearing a little sun dress, which I want to rip off her as soon as I seen her in it this morning. I have my cargo shorts on and a t-shirt. Ivy’s little sun dress is a pale pink color with spagetti straps. It comes up to her knees, and it’s really flowly. She is wearing little pink keds and has a big white straw hat, with a pink bow on the back on her head. Her big sun glasses, making her look sort of movie star glamorous. Her hair she left down and is down to the middle of her back. Once I get her on the blanket, she kicks off her shoes, revealing her cute little pink toe nails that she wiggles. I pick up her sunscreen, and I get to lather her all up with it. Makes me hard just thinking about it.
Ivy pulls her hair off her shoulders, holding her hair up I start with her shoulders. Slowly working in the sunscreen, and down her back where her soft skin is exposed to the sun. I work the lotion into each of her arms, and neck before she leans back on her elbows and lets me work the lotion in on her legs. I’m kneeling and her ankles and I begin to work my way up her legs. Ivy holds one leg out and I wrap my hands around her to get the lotion completely around her one calf and knee. She then moves her other leg out once the first one is placed back down. I work in the lotion on the other in the same fashion. Once she lowers her leg, I crawl up a little more between her legs and place one hand on each of her thighs and work the lotion in slowly, trailing up her thigh I look up at her and she is looking back at me with heavy eye lids. She drops her head back, letting her hair fall back to the blanket. I crawl over her and straddle her legs, allowing her to feel my arousal. She pulls her head back up and looks as needy as I feel for more contact with each other.
“Lay back for me baby.” I whisper as I lean into her neck kissing her as she lowers herself completely down on the blanket. Ivy’s beautiful rich dark hair, fanned out all around her head, laid out on the blanket, I lean down, caging her face with my hands on either side of her face. I look down at her beautiful face. “You are calling the shots today baby. We talked about this. I don’t want to pressure you into anything. If you want to stop, just say so and we will. Not heart feelings, no regrets. I can ice my balls when we get home.” I tell Ivy, making her laugh. “I trust you Dom.” She whispers. I love when she calls me that. Ivy has her hands on my thighs, and I lean down to kiss her I look back up to her eyes, asking for permission silently. Ivy smiles, and nods giving me the ok to go on.
It couldn’t of been a more perfect moment, was all I could think. “I love you.” I whispered, looking down into her beautiful hazel/gold eyes.
I watched her react to my words and it nearly stopped my heart. Ivy’s bottom lip began to quiver and her eyes welled up with tears, making me slowly smile and I closed my eyes as I ran the tip of nose from her jaw to eyes. I brought my nose up and a tear rolled down her cheek to meet with my lips. I sucked in her tear, continuing with my lips as they ran up to her eyes. I gently brushed both her eye lids with my lips, moving back down the opposite side of her face, down her cheek to her jaw before moving my face away to look back down to her.
“I love you too. But how can you love me?” Ivy asked, looking confused with her brows scrunched together.
“How can I love you?” I asked her, looking back and forth between her eyes.
She nodded, looking so serious.
“How can I not?” I asked her. “Ivy, you take my breath away. You always have. Since that first day our eyes met on the football field, making you take that tumble. I felt terrible. I rushed right over. I was lost in your beautiful eyes at that moment. I didn’t know how but I knew at that moment I had to have you. Then everything fell to shit, thanks to me in part and I got lost. You helped me find my way back to you, without you even knowing.” I explained.
“Please make love to me.” Ivy whispered, causing my dick to twitch immediately after hearing her say that.
I didn’t say anything after Ivy’s request. I swooped down and took her lips in mine. Ivy parted her lips, and my tongue found its way in to meet with hers.
The area we were in, I never had seen another soul in. Except for maintenance, however I still looked around quickly to survey the grounds. We were in a semi shaded area, the sun was warm on our skin, with a light breeze brushing us every now and then made the weather perfect to play in.
I dragged my mouth down and around Ivy’s neck, she tilted her head back into the blanket, giving me perfect access to kiss her as I moved down to her collar bone. Nibbling and licking across her shoulders, I dragged her straps from her dress down. Kissing her shoulders in its trail.
Reaching behind her, finding the zipper on her dress, I ran my fingers down as I pulled the zipper to open down her back.
Ivy wiggled as I peeled the dress from her, down to her waist.
Wearing a pink lace strapless bra, made me groan. “Fuck Ivy, you are so beautiful.” I said as I moved back down to kiss the valley between her two full perk globes. Watching her chest rise and fall with her shallow breaths, I pulled the cups from her breasts down, allowing them to pop out and spill over. I moved down her body, my hands lowered to each side of her breasts, I ran my thumbs across her already tight nipples.
Ivy moaned, causing me to look back up to her, watching her reaction to my touch was amazing to see. So receptive to me.
“You do realize after today, I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you right?” I asked desperately.
“I would hope so.” Ivy moaned as she squirmed beneath me.
“Just so we are clear.” I stated before moving my lips down to her more than ample breasts. My lips, searching every each of one breast, as my hand searched her other. Her soft pale ivory skin, with her nipples formed into hard sharp points in a dusty pink made me ache for her even more. I took her nipple in my mouth and began to suckle her softly at first.
Hearing Ivy’s response to my ministrations, only fueled me to forge on deeper, stronger and with more attention than I could imagine to have on any one thing at a time. I pulled my mouth from her nipple with a pop, licking and nibbling her perfect skin across to her other breast. Taking time to giving it the same amount of attention it deserved as the first one.
I couldn’t imagine how I ever lived without her before. She was the drug I needed for my fix. All I could think of was of Ivy. Her touch, her sounds of desire and need, the way she moved against my body.
I forced myself to pull my mouth off her nipple wanting to nestle my face into her perfectly aching breasts, I needed more of her.
Crawling down more, I moved my hands down the sides of her toned body. Ivory skin, appeared to have never seen a ray of sunshine. I held my hands just under her breasts. Kissing down the center of her body, my thumbs dancing across her ribs, I moved my lips to each side, carefully taking the time to taste every part of her.
No longer could I think of anything but Ivy. I was so absorbed
with her, we could have had an audience by now for all knew, nor did I care. I didn’t want to allow anything in my way to distract me from my frenzy I had for Ivy’s body at that moment.
My hands gradually sliding down her body finding her hip bones, I made quick time sliding the remains of her dress off.
Looking down at her pink lace thong, I groaned, no longer having the will power to hold myself back from her any longer. I pulled myself up from Ivy, she bowed her body in search of my touch.
Panting as I as I pulled my shirt off my back, looking back down her body, Ivy’s eyes dropping from my eyes to my chest, she continued her search down my stomach, finally looked down at the tight confines of where my pulsating hard cock was pressing to be freed. I did double time removing my jeans and pulling out a condom I had in my pocket.
Ivy, looking down at my boxers, twirling a lock of her silky hair in her fingers, she brought her eyes back up to mine and shook her head with a smile creeping across her face, confusing me.
“I went on the pill two months ago. We don’t need it. We both had our exams over Christmas break, I know we are both clean and neither of us have been with anyone since we have been together right?” She asked with caution.
I nodded. “I haven’t been with anyone after I first took you out for “date night.” Are you sure about this? I never not used one before.” I explained.
“Me neither. I don’t want anything between us.” She said with a desperate tone to her words, needing to feel our bodies connect again.
I quickly rid myself of my boxers, my cock springing with its own eagerness, standing fully erect, Ivy’s eyes grew like saucers looking down at me.
Ivy took a quick intake of air, she gasped. “Jesus Dominic, I knew you were big, but Christ, what is your mother feeding you? Your huge. I’m a little nervous that won’t fit very well.” She said as she couldn’t take her greedy eyes away from my twitching cock that could cut glass right now. I began to chuckle.